
Augsburg Academy for Health Careers

  • Augsburg Academy for Health Careers
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  • The Augsburg Academy is a public charter school and does not charge tuition. Who can attend the Augsburg Academy? Any student who meets the grade/age requirements may apply. Like other public schools, the Augsburg Academy cannot discriminate against any student because of gender, religion, race, or special needs. Is the Augsburg Academy a parochial (religious) school? No. The Academy is a public charter school and is not affiliated with any religion. The Academy has received strong support from several faith-based organizations through Faith in the City, but is non-sectarian with regard to program, admission, employment, and curriculum. What is a charter school? Charter schools are public schools that are funded by the state. In 1991, Minnesota became the first state in the nation to authorize charter schools. The law (Minn. Stat. §124D.10) permits educators, parents, and other community members to create independent, public schools. The intent is to encourage innovation and positive change in education, and to provide parents, students and educators with choices beyond traditional school districts. To promote meaningful innovation and change, charter schools are exempt from many statutes and rules governing school districts, but are held responsible for results. Charter schools have quickly become a significant option for Minnesota students. More than 12, 000 Minnesota students attend charter schools. Ninety-one charter schools are approved to operate in Minnesota in the fall of 2003. How do students register? Enrollment is open to any student entering grades 9-11 for the fall of 2005. The enrollment form is available on this web site. Students can fill out the form and submit it to the school any time after that date. If the number of students registering exceeds the number of slots available, students will be chosen by lottery. Will Augsburg Academy students have access to extra-curricular activities? Extracurricular activities will be an important part of the Academy experience. By collaborating with the other Star High Schools, the Academy will be able to offer a range of extracurricular activities; students will have the opportunity to participate in sports, act as First Responders in their communities, and visit an Explorer Post in order to explore health care careers. How is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation supporting the Augsburg Academy for Health Careers? Through a grant from the Center for School Change, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded $280,000 to the Academy. The grant is being used for program planning. Five small high schools have received funding through the Star High School Project. The Academy is closely affiliated with the other Star Schools. The developers of the Academy recognize the difficulty encountered by small schools in providing a program that offers a full enrichment curriculum. Augsburg Academy for Health Careers is fortunate to be among a consortium of five small schools sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and coordinated by the Center for School Change. As such, the school intends to collaborate with the other four schools to offer athletics, theater, music, special education, American Sign Language (ASL) and other programs to be determined as the collaborative group matures. What is the Center for School Change? The Center for School Change is a program of the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota. The Center works with educators, parents, business people, students, policymakers and other concerned people throughout the United States to: Increase student achievement Raise graduation rates Improve student attitudes toward learning, their schools, and their communities Strengthen communities by building stronger working relationships among educators, parents, students and other community members Links background image We're pleased to receive the support of the St. Paul Star High Schools, Center for School Change, the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute for Public Affairs and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Contact us if you have questions about this web site.
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