
Trademark registration

Hollander and Company LLC


Jay Hollander, Esq., is the principal of Hollander and Company LLC, a Manhattan Law Firm concentrating in the core business and investor related practice areas of Commercial and Corporate Law, Computer and Internet Law, Real Estate and related litigation services. The Firm represents a broad mix of clients ranging from software development and Internet companies to real estate concerns and general business and investor interests. Jay Hollander, Esq. was admitted to the Bar of the State of New York in 1982. Married with two children, Mr Hollander is an active participant in several Bar Association committees in the areas of his Firm's' expertise. He is a member of the Real Estate committee of the New York City Bar Association, as well as the Legal Technology Committee of the New York County Lawyer's Association's Cyberspace Subcommittee, and the Intellectual Property and Business Law Committees of the American Bar Association. Mr. Hollander is a charter member of the editorial board of www.gigalaw.com , designated as one of the most popular web sites for technology law by Yahoo!. Mr. Hollander has authored the chapter entitled "Message Board Misconduct and Online Anonymity" in the GigaLaw Guide to Internet Law, published by Random House. Mr. Hollander also serves as the Director of Legal Affairs for the New York City chapter of the Association of Internet Professionals, a nation wide association, whose membership boasts the industry's top companies and individual decision-makers, including ISP's and telcos, software and hardware manufacturers, web design and service companies, and nonprofits, educational institutions and government agencies. He has lectured on aspects of real estate law to the National Realty Club and the Learning Annex, among other groups. Outside the confines of the law, Mr. Hollander is active in the industries in which the Firm practices. He is a member of the New York Software Industry Association, NYNMA, and the National Realty Club. Involved in the local and international community, Mr. Hollander serves as a National Director of the American Society for Technion, a philanthropy benefitting the largest applied technology university in Israel, and sits on the International Board of Governors of the Technion, based in Haifa, Israel. An accomplished public speaker who welcomes opportunities to speak, Mr. Hollander has been a quoted expert in several industry magazines and web sites including Internet World, Managing Intellectual Property Magazine, Electronic Business Magazine, the Commercial Lease Law Insider and The New York Cooperator. His Firm has been profiled by the Wall Street Reporter. For further information or for speaking opportunities, please email jh@hollanderco.com or call Jay Hollander, Esq. at (212) 576-1061.

  • 12/8/2013
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