The Central Valley Joint Venture (CVJV) is a self-directed coalition consisting of 20 State and Federal agencies and private conservation organizations. This partnership directs their efforts toward the common goal of providing for the habitat needs of migrating and resident birds in the Central Valley of California. The CVJV was established in 1988 as a regional partnership focused on the conservation of waterfowl and wetlands under the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. It has since broadened its focus to the conservation of habitats for other birds, consistent with major national and international bird conservation plans and the North American Bird Conservation Initiative.
In 1990, the CVJV developed its first strategy document, the Central Valley Habitat Joint Venture Implementation Plan. This year the Plan was updated. The 2006 Implementation Plan incorporates new information and broadens the scope of conservation activities to include objectives for shorebirds, waterbirds, and riparian songbirds. It has identified specific goals and objectives for these species that will drive the CVJV's efforts for the next five years.