
Theatrical motion pictures

Devine Entertainment Corporation


Devine Entertainment is an award-winning Canadian-based developer, producer and distributor of high-quality feature films, primetime drama, and children's and family entertainment for the theatrical motion picture, television and the home DVD marketplace worldwide. Click these links for these HBO Originals, now available on DVD at our online store: Artists' Specials - featuring Winslow Homer, Rembrandt, Goya, Degas, Monet and Mary Cassatt, Inventors' Specials - featuring Edison, Newton, Marie Curie, Galileo, Leonardo and Einstein. Composers' Specials - featuring Strauss, Rossini, Liszt, Bizet, Handel and Bach, Also on DVD, Shakespeare 4 Kidz - featuring Macbeth and A Midsummer Night's Dream. Other DVDs include a 4 disc boxed set featuring Marsalis on Music, Also available Raffi in concert and Beethoven Lives Upstairs (with bonus interactive games). See our feature film Bailey's Billion$. and new TV series, Across the River to Motor City.

  • 12/8/2013
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