
Nation Ranch Marketing Inc

  • Nation Ranch Marketing Inc
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  • We establish a clear identity for our clients, their products, people and services in the minds of all key audiences - customers, employees, shareholders and the communities where our clients conduct business. Branding begins by first generating awareness for our clients and then ensuring that we deliver a clear and consistent message to key audiences over time. In many cases, our approach to branding assignments is through traditional media relations strategies and tactics - more commonly known as "publicity." However, we believe that branding is a 24/7 proposition, and that it's vital for a marketer to provide the latest news and information about the company, its products and people at all times. Public relations materials, such as press releases, fact sheets, photo images and executives' biographies can be easily re-purposed and posted to the Web for easy reference. We create specialized communications programs to help companies reinforce their brands from the inside out. Articulating your goals throughout the company - and making those goals meaningful and believable to your employees - is the most important step in building that community. Every single person who's a part of your company has the potential to become your proudest and most vocal supporter. We will assist you in building your brand from the inside out, including programs to inform employees of your goals and to instill a sense of pride and purpose as they strive to reach them. From time to time, our clients may become engaged in contentious public debates - such as labor disputes, health/safety issues, etc. - that require their swift response. In such cases, we supplement our conventional media relations services with a special "push technology" program that enables us to e-mail our clients' response directly to the key individuals who have identified themselves as being concerned about the issue at hand. The image of your company's chief executive often becomes synonymous with the image of your company. While one message from the top could inspire employees toward greater achievement, yet another could cause stock prices to plummet overnight. Great leaders are not always great communicators, but great communicators are often great leaders. We work with top executives to understand their unique styles, harness their energy and prepare them to communicate their vision and enhance their leadership capabilities. Nation Ranch frequently creates high-impact speeches, letters to key constituencies and presentations for corporate executives. For more information, contact: Bill Patterson at 816.926.9022 (office) or 816-674-4446 (cell) bill@nationranch.com 6425 Morningside Drive Kansas City, MO 64113
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