Process Focus Management is an international consulting company that specializes in software engineering process improvement. We provide a full range of software engineering appraisal methods, training, and consulting services, including SEI CBA IPI assessments, Interim Profile (SM) Assessment Training, and the SEI Introduction to the CMM ® course.
Our company is one of the first to sign a CRADA (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement) with the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University. As SEI's Transition Partner for the INTERIM PROFILE Appraisal Method, Process Focus Management provides full training and delivery service for SEI's only alternative appraisal method. Interim Profile gives a quick check an organization's status against the CMM between normally performed full appraisals. It is being used successfully at Aerojet, Citibank, Dept. of the Navy, US Air Force, Magnavox, Motorola, United Defense, Unisys, and others.
Roselyn Whitney, founder and principal of PFM, is a former member of the technical staff at Carnegie Mellon University and currently is a Visiting Scientist at the SEI. Process Focus Management is a Small Business/Woman Owned Business.