
Postcolonial Text

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  • Postcolonial Text is an international, refereed, multi-disciplinary electronic journal presenting a global forum for both the critical discussion of postcolonial literature, culture, history, and theory, as well as postcolonial poetry and fiction. Thus Postcolonial Text provides a public space on the internet through which to disseminate otherwise difficult-to-access literary texts among a larger, truly international audience. It is concerned with ways of negotiating the various epistemological, cultural, social, and political links and disjunctures between postcolonial, western, and diasporic communities of writers, readers, and academics. Postcolonial Text fosters critical discussions about the culturally contested and, at times, theoretically slippery terrain of postcolonial studies. In particular, this e-journal examines the relationship between postcolonial studies, diaspora studies and such newly emerging fields as transnational cultural and globalization studies. The journal invites work that is concerned with different concepts of the nation; transnational and translocal forms of belonging; cosmopolitanisms; competing sites and venues of cultural knowledge production; the aesthetics and politics of postcolonial writing; cultural memory; the gap between the social and cultural realities of postcolonial writers and their critical reception at home and abroad; and the relationships between various modes of scripting oral, written, and visual texts across different cultures. At the same time, the journal recognizes that postcolonial studies can be appropriated as a master discourse of cultural identity that tends to homogenize and regulate culturally and geographically vastly different texts and identities. In order to remain critical of academically instituted forms of cultural knowledge production, Postcolonial Text remains committed to a rigorous analysis of the neocolonial and uneven power relationships between the North and the South at the crossroads of class, gender, and race. The following are some of Postcolonial Text's intended, distinctive contributions to postcolonial literary studies: The journal will publish work that investigates the multiple relationships between postcolonial, indigenous, and global discourses of cultural knowledge production. The journal also combines rigorously refereed academic articles with the publication of poetry and fiction from different traditions of postcolonial writing. As well, it pays particular critical attention to the ways in which the aesthetics of postcolonial texts inform their political projects and vice versa. Morevoer, as an open access e-journal, it uses the electronic medium to self-consciously and critically expand and intensify the critical exchange between postcolonial critics, theorists, and artists in the North and the South.
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