
Poetry Flash

  • Poetry Flash
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  • Poetry Flash is dedicated to providing the widest possible access to poetry and literature. Unique in format and in community support, Poetry Flash is an important communication forum and vehicle for generating audience and interest in literary issues and events. Poetry Flash publishes quality reviews, poems, interviews, essays, and trade, submission, and award information for all creative writers---poetry and fiction. Poetry Flash also carries the most comprehensive listing of literary events in the West: the Calendar is an indispensable guide to the literary scene in all of California, and offers Southwest, Pacific Northwest, and selected national event listings. Although poetry is the editorial focus, interviews with novelists and writers of experimental fiction are featured. Poetry Flash, an essential tool for writers, publishers, and readers, has built community through literature for twenty-seven years. Funding cuts at the national level, however, have placed many nonprofit literary magazines and community-based arts organizations at risk. In 1993 the NEA funded forty-three literary magazines---in 1997 only four. Keeping the Flash in print is more critical now than ever before. Poetry Flash supports community literary diversity, vertically (from the budding writers to academics and established writers) and horizontally (providing audience development for magazines, presses, presenters, workshops, and academic programs). We have worked hard to maintain a viable organization in this climate, modifying our publishing schedule to six times per year. To continue to deliver the Flash every two months to 22,000 readers, we must rely on the generosity of private foundations, individual contributors, and volunteers to cover the majority of our operational expenses - printing, distribution, production, overhead (rent!), and editorial. Poetry Flash invites your support so that we may continue to make our essential services available to writers and appreciators of literature. Poetry Flash is a non-profit literary arts organization, and volunteers and interns are always welcome. Please send a resume with a cover letter or call (510)525-5476.
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