
Judicate West

  • Judicate West
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  • Judicate West was established in 1993 after its principals acquired the West Coast assets of Judicate Inc., The National Private Court System, a leading Alternative Dispute Resolution company with over a decade of experience. Our Company's mission is to provide disputants, throughout California and the West, with the best, most convenient and affordable neutral dispute resolution services in the industry. To meet your dispute resolution needs, Judicate West has an expanded panel of distinguished retired Judges, prominent attorney arbitrators and mediators, and professional ADR specialists. We also provide a staff of knowledgeable, service-oriented case managers who contact the litigants and help obtain their participation in the ADR process plus experienced administrators who efficiently handle case coordination, scheduling, confirmation and other time consuming details. As one of the West's foremost dispute resolution companies, Judicate West is dedicated to the further development of the ADR industry as the most practical and reliable alternative to crowded public courts the one alternative that meets the needs of all civil litigants, while saving consumers, companies, and the public courts the precious assets of time and money.
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